
3:14 PM

I saw the lights line up last night.

Not the stars,
Just the street lamps.

I saw the hands on the asphalt,
And the skin,
And the sheets.

And it was real.

And I remembered other real things.

Self-help books and
Cop cars and
Trying to force an appreciation for country music.

I remembered swearing we could hear Indians while we sat on the little roof of the little house on the little mountain and I remember debating whether or not we would slip off the edge if we kissed up there.

And I remembered the night you did kiss me through a rolled-down window and how much nicer that was than you sitting shotgun.

And I remember now that real things are not always as they should be, and remembering is only words,
So we use our fingertips.

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  1. how you worded everything was perfect. fingertips and everything.

  2. And I remember now that real things are not always as they should be, and remembering is only words,

    So we use our fingertips.

    this is perfect .

  3. Same quote as Jane. This is so eloquent.

  4. couldn't have said it any better.
    little roof little house little mountain
    I didn't want this post to end

  5. wow you blow my mind, you say things so beautifully.

  6. I lost myself in this post. If found please return. If not It was still worth it

  7. remember is only words.

    SHUT UP RIGHT NOW. I love that.


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