the last bits of 17

8:58 AM

She bought pretty dresses and pretty words.

And it didn't matter from which mouth they spilled, so long as the strung-together sentences glistened when they hit the air.

She watched 17 fade along with the hands that had shaped it, but she didn't mind all that much either.

Backyard volleyball courts and fushia nail polish and jeep rides have been stamped into the pages, but 18 calls for a new book and a new pen and a slightly new hand to pull it along. 

Cryptic poems and faded songs began to lose their pull, but U2 never will and neither will sunday socials or friendly wars that leave us wanting more.

(mama said to always leave them wanting more)

So here's to 17 and the last few weeks of it I've got. She's done me well, but 18's words will be even brighter.

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  1. Yeah I'll tell ya.. Being 18 is awesome.
    I loved that part about U2. I love them

  2. And then one day you'll be 30. Live it up.


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