the new kid

11:11 PM

hi griff.

this isn't a poem and

i don't intend for you to read it but

someday i'd like you to know that

i ran two stop signs in one night for you.

or, at the very least, because of you.

and i stumble when i try to write to you or of you or for you

because the very best days are also the days on which i am most afraid.

afraid because you matter more to me than maybe you should,

just one month into anything.

but i can't tell you that

because i might frighten you.

i'm brave but i'm not foolhardy

at least not anymore

at least not in terms of hearts.

so on nights when i'm afraid

i will think of moon craters

and whiskey on graves.

and on mornings when i'm fragile

i will remember conversations

in the middle of your living room floor

and a seven-hour-first-date

and i will feel lucky and patient

and i will trust you

and your heart

with me

and mine.

i will hope you don't see this

so i will avoid losing any more bets

but if you do see 

or i do lose

please know

that you are dear to me

and today is enough.

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